
EscapeTartu for businesses

EscapeTartu’s team has developed more than 10 different escape rooms. Also we have helped several clients (local and international)  to develop their own escape rooms.

What do we offer?    –  We offer consultation, room scenarios, props and full solutions!

1. Consultation

Do you wish to start your own escape room business and you don’t know how to start? You already run your escape room business but everything does not go according to plan?

EscapeTartu team offers consultation meant for people who wish to start or who are already running their own escape room businesses.

We have made all the rookie mistakes there are and due to that burnt/waisted lot of money in the process. On the same time we have built  the biggest and the best escape room business in our region.  Our consultation is the best way to learn from our mistakes and avoid making them on your own!

Consultation course for beginners  

Fields covered: room selection, main building mistakes, prop building, marketing and sales, effective escape room management etc.

Duration: 3 hours

Price: 350 EUR

Trust us, you will spend multiple times less money on rookie mistakes (and probably make more money) after taking our course!  :)

Consultation for escape room owners 

This is perfect for escape room owners who have problems managing their business or who wish to grow business. We can help you with prop building, marketing and sales, management issues etc.

Just contact us siim@escapetartu.ee and lets make your business better and more profitable!

2. Escape room scenarios

EscapeTartu offers different escape room scenarios.  The price of each scenario is 500 EUR.

Bank robbery



Psycho lab


007 – Mission hotel



3. Escape room props 

EscapeTartu has very good and experienced engineers, who can make all kinds of props.

We can help you  with technical solution, prop building etc.

If you have any questions, please contact us siim@escapetartu.ee!


EscapeTartu frantsiis

EscapeTartu meeskond on 3 aasta jooksul loonud üle 10 erineva põgenemistoa.  Samuti oleme abistanud põgenemistubade loomisel kliente nii Eestis kui välismaal.

Pakume nii mängude stsenaariume kui ka võtmed kätte lahendusi.

Küsimuste korral kirjuta siim@escapetartu.ee